10 MARCH 2024
10 Mar 2024


The Day of Silence, photo by StarWORKS Global

Nyepi, the Balinese Day of Silence, is a sacred Hindu holiday celebrated annually in Bali, Indonesia. This unique holiday marks the Balinese New Year according to the Saka calendar and is a time for self-reflection, meditation, and purification. Nyepi is started from 6 a.m. until 6 a.m. the next day, during which time the entire island comes to a complete standstill.

The Celebration Before Nyepi
The day before Nyepi, known as "Pengerupukan," is filled with vibrant processions known as the "ogoh-ogoh" parade, where large, grotesque statues symbolizing evil spirits are paraded through the streets and then set on fire to drive away negative forces. This symbolizes the purification of the natural environment from all the evil spirits.

On Nyepi day itself, the Balinese Hindus observe silence, fasting, and meditation. There is no traffic, no noise, no activities, and no lights, creating a unique atmosphere of peace and serenity. Even the Ngurah Rai International Airport in Bali, one of the busiest airports in Indonesia, closes for the day, making it one of the quietest airports in the world for 24 hours.

Nyepi - The Day of Silence

The purpose of Nyepi is to bring about a day of introspection and self-reflection, to remind people of the importance of silence, and to reset and restart life for a better future. It is a time for individuals to cleanse themselves spiritually and mentally, and to start the new year with a fresh outlook.

As we celebrate Nyepi, let us take this opportunity to reflect on the past year, contemplate our actions and their impact, and set positive intentions for the year ahead. May this day of silence bring peace, harmony, and happiness to all of us. 

Rahajeng Rahina Nyepi 2024, dumogi rahayu sareng sami.

Happy Nyepi Day from StarWORKS Global!

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